

Manages a SakuraCloud sakuracloud_enhanced_db.

Example Usage

resource "sakuracloud_enhanced_db" "foobar" {
  name            = "example"
  password        = "your-password"

  database_name   = "example"
  database_type   = "tidb"
  region          = "is1"

  description = "..."
  tags        = ["...", "..."]

Argument Reference

  • name - (Required) リソース名
  • database_name - (Required) データベース名
  • password - (Required) パスワード
  • database_type - (Required) データベースタイプ / この値は次のいずれかを指定[tidb/mariadb]/ この値を変更するとリソースの再作成が行われる
  • region - (Required) データベースを配置するリージョン / この値は次のいずれかを指定[is1/tk1]/ この値を変更するとリソースの再作成が行われる
  • allowed_networks - (Optional) A list of CIDR blocks allowed to connect.
  • icon_id - (Optional) The icon id to attach to the Enhanced Database.
  • description - (Optional) The description of the Enhanced Database. The length of this value must be in the range[1-512].
  • tags - (Optional) Any tags to assign to the Enhanced Database.


The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:

  • create - (Defaults to 5 minutes) Used when creating the sakuracloud_enhanced_db
  • update - (Defaults to 5 minutes) Used when updating the sakuracloud_enhanced_db
  • delete - (Defaults to 5 minutes) Used when deleting sakuracloud_enhanced_db

Attribute Reference

  • id - The id of the sakuracloud_enhanced_db.
  • hostname - The name of database host. This will be built from database_name + tidb-is1.db.sakurausercontent.com.
  • max_connections - The value of max connections setting.